What are the rules for the Weekly Art Challenge?

So I decided to do this weekly art challenge at the beginning of last month, with the idea that it would force me to do more drawing that I had been doing. Well, I was right about that! In the last month, I think I’ve done some drawing or digital painting every night.

But I haven’t done what I initially thought I would do – turn out a new drawing every week.

The first week, I completed 3 digital paintings. Just in the first week! But then I tried working with an app that didn’t give me the results I wanted, so I ended up with an unfinished doodle and since I didn’t like how the app in question handled, I decided to abandon that picture and move on.

Weekly art challenge - unfinished monster

Abandoned sketch. He started out cute, but the app wasn’t cooperating.

Then I started work on the current painting, the “Zombie Portrait.” I’ve spent a lot of time on this one. The pencil sketch alone took at least a week. Now I’m slowly getting the painting part of this done, and since I’m doing this as a painting instead of a sketch or cartoon, I know there’s no way it will be finished this week.

But does that matter? Is it against the “rules” if I don’t turn out a new image every week for the “weekly art challenge?” I don’t know. I started out with no more specific a goal than to draw or paint something every day. So I think if I do that, I think I’m doing pretty well.

Anyway, here are the latest images of the work in progress. I’ll keep working on this one until it’s done, and then move onto the next piece!


The almost finished pencil sketch for the “Zombie Portrait…”

Weekly Art Challenge - Zombie Portrait

And the current painting in progress! Ta-daa!

Evil Crafting – Mini-Coffins and Zombie Dolls

The girls and I decided to make some new Halloween decorations this year. Naturally, because we are who we are, these decorations are somewhat twisted in nature.

First off, mini-coffins. Our local A. C. Moore's is selling small wooden coffins for $1 each. I got 5 of these and the girls and I have spent a few afternoons decorating them. We're using basic craft pains – Folk Art acrylic paint, some glitter paint, a little Mod-Podge. Each of us is deciding what to put in them.

The other half of this project is based on a zombie doll tutorial I found last year. We started with some fashion dolls from Dollar Tree. I spray painted these with white primer, then the girls and I started coating them with craft paint, using various shades of green, grey, black, and of course, red. We took a couple apart, removing a head, an arm or leg as we saw fit. And like the tutorial, I've glued a couple dolls together to make zombie conjoined twins. We've also coated these in outdoor Mod Podge, which gives them a sort of slimy look. And we used the excess limbs and heads to fill up the mini-coffins as well.

Here are some photos of the works in progress.

This is my coffin. It's boring right now, just painted seashell pink and sea foam green.

Here is Princess' coffin. She's stuffed it with some cheese cloth and left-over bits of zombie fashion dolls.

This is Pixie's zombie doll. She plans to hang it off our front porch.

Princess decided her zombie doll needed something special, like a plastic skull instead of a head.

And finally, here is my zombie doll, in progress. I still want to do more painting, and haven't put together an outfit for it yet, but so far I'm pretty pleased with the results.

And that's our evil crafting project!


Zombie Dolly and the Eye-Screams of Doom, plus new Zazzle products!

I started a new piece of artwork last night. I’m calling this one “Zombie Dolly and the Eye-Screams of Doom.” I have no idea where the idea came from, beyond the fact that I like drawing zombies and I love kawaii-style artwork and ice cream cones.

I’ve taken some of my other recently finished art pieces and set them up on Zazzle as coffee mugs and other items. Take a look!

Bleeding Heart Mug Mugs
Bleeding Heart Mug Mugs by Cynical_Woman
Design your own personal coffee mugs online at Zazzle.
I’m still working on getting the Tiki-bot artwork set up on Zazzle. I’m thinking of making it a print, and possible putting it on a mug. If anybody has any other products they’d like to see some artwork on, let me know. I’m hoping this summer to beef up the Zazzle store and get plenty of new stuff set up on it.

Zombie Calendar is finally for sale!

My Zombie Calendar is finally for sale on Zazzle!!!

Well, file this under “better late than never!” Last year I started working on a zombie calendar, drawing a zombie a month using Adobe® Ideas on my iPad. I had planned to finish up the calendar and put it up for sale on Zazzle in November, but then I tore my ACL and all the plans I had for the rest of the year sort of fell apart. Honestly, I couldn’t sit upright with a laptop until just last week, due to the swelling and soreness in my right knee.

But now it’s done! Twelve zombies to commemorate the twelve months of the year! I will be ordering a couple of copies, hopefully to get them in time to take to Marscon on the 18th through the 20th in Williamsburg, VA. I will also have a collection of greeting cards, including Zombie Santa and a zombie Valentine, and some original crocheted amigurumi! If you’ve been following me on Twitter (@Cynical_Woman), you’ve seen some of the amigurumis in progress. I’ll have Skully Girl, Funky Chicken, Pumpkin Head, Zombie Sock Monkey, and Mr. Squishy, either in the art show or for sale at my table. So be sure to stop by and take a look!

(By the way, if you’re on Ravelry, I’m listed as CynicalWoman!)