Episode 45 – A Small Political Rant

Where to start with this one? Um, how about with “I’m very opinionated”?

Seriously, I had two choices of what to draw for this week – something cute and funny or something more controversial. I’m not usually in-your-face with my political and (lack of) religious views, but there are times when I feel it’s necessary to point out a few things. For starters, I believe I have the right to express myself politically and sexually. For a woman, the two are so intertwined I can’t see how to separate one from the other. It’s to the point where I’m not just writing erotica to turn out steamy sex scenes for entertainment and profit. I’m writing erotica because that’s my way of saying, “Fuck all you people who think I should be meek and mild and obedient and hide in the kitchen while being barefoot and pregnant. I’m a woman with a brain and a cunt and I intend to use them both!” (And no, I will never apologize for using the word ‘cunt,’ just as a man would never apologize for calling his penis a ‘dick’).

Secondly, I actually am thankful for the things I listed in the cartoon above. In a different time and place, under different circumstance, my life would be a lot different, and probably not for the better. I do not take for granted my right to vote, my right to an education, my right to practice or refuse to practice the religion of my choice, or my right to keep other people’s stupid ideas off my body. No woman should take these things for granted, nor should we allow other women to do without these rights.

Third, don’t expect me to play nice if you push me to be something I’m not. I make no bones about my personal beliefs. I am an atheist and a Zen Buddhist (for those of you wondering, Zen Buddhism is not a religion, it’s a practice, and it has nothing to do with any idea of God). If you ask me to say grace at the dinner table, you will get what you get.

And that’s my little rant for today.

Episode 44 – Why put the ‘die’ in ‘diet’?

I will happily exercise my butt off over the holiday season, but Ah refuse, Ah say Ah refuse to give up my favorite holiday foods. In fact, I plan to discover some new favorites this year. How about you?

Holiday baking and other cooking starts in earnest this coming weekend. I don’t know what we’ll make yet, but I’m thinking of either a cake, candy, or some cookies. Whatever the kids and I decide on.

I love this time of year!

Episode 43 – NaNoWriMo!


I know, I’m doing PerNoFiMo (Personal Novel Finishing Month) instead of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) but this is about how it feels.

I spent Saturday cranking out 3000 words in the novel I’m working on, tentatively titled Whip It! I was feeling pretty proud of myself because that’s a lot of words to produce in just a few hours, so I posted an announcement to Twitter.  Someone almost immediately came back and said, “That’s great! If they’re the right words…”

If they’re the right words? If they’re the right words?  I said it last week and I will say it again. NaNoWriMo and PerNoFiMo are not about putting the right words down on the page.  These events are about putting words down, period.  A bad first draft can always be re-written, edited, cleaned up, etc.  A blank page?  You got nothing to work with.

I explained this, and the person who made the comment understood immediately, and I’m glad, because there are lots of people out there who would still insist that if I didn’t write the right 3000 words, then I’d just wasted a lot of time.  Well you know what?  Those people most likely aren’t ever going to succeed in writing novels.  So there!

Have a great day! I’ll post my progress on PerNoFiMo tomorrow in my Writing Wednesday post 😉

Don’t forget to visit www.nanowrimo.org to find out more about National Novel Writing Month.

Also at Oh Get A Grip this week, we’re talking about what it’s like to live with a writer.  Good stuff. Stop by for a look!

Episode 42 – How hot is too hot?


How hot is too hot?  Is it possible to put too much sex in an erotica story?

Well actually, yeah.  Most seasoned erotica writer realize that an erotica story has to be more than sex scenes strung together with a flimsy plot.  Determining how much sex to put in, and determining how intense those scenes will be, can get tricky. It comes with practice though.

Still, it’s always a good idea to keep an extinguisher on hand. You know, just in case…

Episode 41 – Halloween!

Oy, I hurt. I had this brilliant idea that I could do the text for the cartoon in Adobe, which would look much better than my own hand lettering. But then I got the cartoon scanned in and I thought, “Hey, if I can do the lettering in Photoshop, why not do the screen tones too? I know I’ve got a tutorial on that somewhere!” Several hours later…

I’m kicking myself because I should have just done the lettering and let it go at that, but nooooooo! I had to do the screen tones. And then I made the mistake of resizing the image down and then I saved it over the larger version of the file!! That hurts because now if I ever want to edit this particular episode again, I’ll have to start all over from the beginning, scanning in the line work and then adding the text and then adding the screen tones…


So anyway, I have a question. Right now, I’m resizing the cartoon to 1200×410 pixels. This is the size you see after you click on the thumbnail. I’ve got a giant flat screen monitor, so I have no idea really if this is too small or too large for anyone else viewing the cartoon. Let me know if you’d like to see the cartoon a little larger, or smaller, because the size I shrink things down to affects how the screen tones work (and yes, I’m just stupid enough to try that technique again, because in spite of the time I wasted this evening, I really like how this turned out).

Enjoy your Halloween!

Episode 40 – Occupational Hazzards

Yes, this really is a problem around this household. Finding time for… well, let’s just say finding time for what’s important.

It’s hard for me to find time alone with the Hubster. In addition to the kids, we both put in a lot of hours at work, and since I’m usually up two hours before Hubster is, I’m usually out cold two hours before he is. We really do have to schedule sex if it’s going to happen. Oh, and buy a nice bottle of wine so I can relax, because between work and chasing after the kids, I’m wound tighter than a cuckoo clock by the end of the day.

Anyway, speaking of work, I have four new stories for sale with Logical Lust. These stories originally ran on the Heat Flash Erotica Podcast, they are scorching hot, and I think you will enjoy them. Check them out here!

Episode 39 – Who’s Yo Mama?!

One day, this is going to happen to me. It just has to. In addition to reading my stories aloud to catch mistakes, I also record most of them for the Heat Flash Erotica Podcast (which is a free weekly audio show I do that you can download to your MP3 player or listen to on your computer, and if you’re not listening you should be!). Most days I only write or record when the kids are in school or in bed. When they’re home and awake, I’m so busy taking care of them, I don’t have time to do anything else. But mark my words, one of these days they’re gonna walk in on me while I’m working…

You may have noticed that this cartoon is done “old style,” which is to say I did it on the computer using Manga Studio 4. I still love MS4, and much prefer the way the cartoons look when I do them on the computer, but the fact is, it takes too long to do the cartoons this way. This particular cartoon was penciled back in April, and then inked yesterday morning. Had I done this by hand, it would have taken me an hour at most to do the inking and then the cartoon would be finished. In Manga Studio 4, the inking takes longer, plus there are extra steps I do to add the tones and text balloons, which is part of what makes the digital cartoons so pretty. What to do? Continue drawing by hand, but draw better! It’ll come with practice. Meanwhile, I’ll just use Manga Studio for other projects, since I’d really like to do some Manga style artwork, and this is the best program I’ve got for inking.

Anyway, here is this week’s cartoon, and I hope you enjoyed it 😉