Slowly but surely, inch by bloody inch, this piece is getting done. And that’s how it is with every piece of art – every drawing, every painting, every crochet project, every story, every novel… They all get done a little at a time until suddenly you’re done. And then you look around and go, “Now what?”
It’s the “Now what?” part that always gets me. I made a beautiful drawing. Now what do I do with it? Seriously, I need to do something with all this artwork, just like I need to do something with all the crochet I did last month, and all the polymer clay charms I did last summer. I know I could open an Etsy shop, or post stuff on Society 6 or Zazzle, but for some reason, I never get around to it. Maybe that should be January’s creative challenge. “Now what? Sell it!”
What do you think?