WIP Wednesday – What’s Missing, continued

WIP – “What’s Missing?” by Helen E. H. Madden, 9 March 2011

Slowly but surely, inch by inch, I’m getting more work done on this. I’ve switched to painting this on my desktop since, as expected, the iPad simply isn’t big enough to handle a detailed oil painting in ArtRage. The actually painting is now around 3500×4000 pixels, extremely large, but it makes it much easier to handle the brush strokes of the oil brush. I’m also trying to use the metallic paint setting on the robots, which presents unique challenges all its own. Metallic paint comes out much darker than the color actually picked. And I continue to experiment with the oil brush settings in general, switching back and forth between insta-dry, square and round tip, thinners and no thinners. I’m slooooooooooowly getting the hang of it.

I’ll continue working on this throughout the week. I think the one thing I’ve learned so far is to let go of expectations and just keep putting down the digital paint. I can’t really control what each brush stroke is going to look like, so I just have to trust the process and continue to work from there. We’ll have to see if I get much farther next week, since I’m going out of town tomorrow for a few days, but hopefully, there’ll be some progress.

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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One Comment

  1. OOOOH. Work In Progress. I wondered what WIP meant. I’m an eejit. Also it looked perfectly finished to me, but I’m def not a comic artist. I would love to read the story it illustrates… The painting is making me wonder about it.

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