I’ve been working like mad on book covers the past couple of weeks for a client of mine. This weekend I got the final sign off on one of my favorites. It’s the artwork for Mark Jackman’s “Fistful of Rubbers,” book two in the Sid Tillsey Chronicles. I also did the cover art for book one, “The Great Right Hope.” These are both vampire books of a very special nature. Basically, if you hate Twilight, these are for you.
Anyway, here’s the cover art for “Fistful of Rubbers.”
This particular project gave me a bucketload of trouble. First, my original DAZ Studio file of the main character would not open, so I had to recreate him from scratch. That was a pain in the ass. Then DAZ Studio refused to open up one of the new characters I had created for the cover, just 2 days after I had created it! I could understand the first one. I was trying to open the file on a different computer, I was using a new version of DAZ Studio, the file was over 2 years old, etc. 3D files do get a little cranky, especially files that have a lot of supporting files attached to them that have to be present for the main file to work. But a new file not opening up?! You gotta be kidding me! I swore so hard about that one, I blistered the paint on my office walls. Then I dug through the forums at DAZ Studio to figure out what had gone wrong. Thank god I’ve got a brain and I’ve been working with these programs for a few years, because it took quite a bit of sleuthing to figure out what the problem was. I got it all fixed in the end, and managed to get my 3D renders done so I could move on with the job of compositing, painting and texturing all the characters together. I think the end result turned out very well!
Anyway, both “A Fistful of Rubbers” and “The Great Right Hope” are published though LL-Publications. “Fistful” will be out November 15th, so be sure to get a copy! And let me know what you think of the artwork. I’m very happy with this one. I think it turned out just right.
Blog post up! Sunday Contentments looks at a job well done! http://www.cynicalwoman.com/2010/10/24/s…
RT @Cynical_Woman: Blog post up! Sunday Contentments looks at a job well done! http://www.cynicalwoman.com/2010/10/24/s…