Great Moments In Disney Vacation History – Excuses, Excuses…

I don’t know why, but throughout the whole trip in Disney World, Cassandra fought us tooth and nail every time we took her to the bathroom. “I don’t want to go potty!” she’d scream, anytime we said we were taking a bathroom break. I constantly had to threaten her with a time out if she didn’t go. Keep in mind we had scheduled our bathroom breaks to make sure Cassie went at certain points throughout the day; otherwise we risked her having an accident in the middle of a show or a ride. Twice, I actually had to follow through on the threat of time out and sit her on a bench while the rest of the family went on and had fun without us. A few times I just picked her up and hauled her dinky butt into the bathroom and refused to leave until she went. And sometimes, even when we got into the stall, the fighting still continued. I swear that kid came up with every excuse in the book not to use the toilet. “I’m tired.” “I already went last night.” “I’m too thirsty to go potty.” The most outrageous excuse of all? On the day Cassie wore her Little Mermaid costume to the Magic Kingdom, she stood in a stall and loudly proclaimed, “Mommy, mermaids don’t go potty.” The hell of it is, she’s probably right.

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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  1. I’m tired just hearing this story! I hope you recover nicely!

  2. “Mermaids don’t go potty!” sounds like a great title for something 😉
    DisneyWorld with an infany & 4 year old in tow–you truly are a brave & crazy warrior!

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