I Fell Off The Face Of The Earth And Landed In Disney World

True story. I swear.

We got back last week from a two week vacation in Disney World. I tell you, there is nothing like schlepping around an infant and a preschooler through the Magic Kingdom. Especially if the infant wants to breast feed every two hours and the preschooler has a major princess fixation. The whole trip is a blur of Disney character meet-n-greets, parades, fireworks, song and dance routines, and princess costumes. I swear, Cassie has every gown in the Disney fashion book now. Thanks, Grandmamama.

I would love to share the details of the trip, but I’m still recovering, so until I can get all 900-something photos downloaded and sorted, you’ll just have to settle for these words of advice. If you’re thinking of going on vacation to Disney World with a small child or two, plan on needing another vacation afterwards for yourself. Either that or therapy. Seriously.

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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One Comment

  1. 900 photos. OMG! Good luck. Maybe we might see you next Christmas.-Dwight

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