ACW Guest Artist – Pixie!!

I know I'm way behind at this point on both webcomics. I apologize. I am working on them. However, I've been having health problems since September. I've been to see my general practitioner, a rheumatologist, etc., and still have no idea what's going on. And new symptoms keep popping up the longer this goes on.

I am half-way through the pencils for the current episode of “Adventures of Cynical Woman,” and almost have the new character made for “Bitchcraft.” As soon as I get either webcomic done, I will post it. In the meantime, I have hired a couple of guest artists to help me fill in the blanks.

So, this week's episode of “Adventures of Cynical Woman” is drawn by…


This is Pixie's rendition of an episode of “Doctor Who” that we recently watched. You can see the Dalek, both in and out of it's armored pepper-pot; Davros, the creator of the Daleks; and someone who has just be exterminated by the Daleks (lower right corner)

Pixie loves “Doctor Who,” so I'm sure you'll be seeing a lot more of her artwork here. Thank you, Pixie, for helping out your mother in her time of need.

I'm going to bed now, folks. I am having an allergic reaction to something and I just took a dose of Benedryl, so I expect I will be out until well into tomorrow morning.


A letter from Pixie to you

Dear readers of my mom's website,

My mom has decided to put some of my artwork on her website today. My mom's webcomic will be up tomorrow. We decided to play a game last night, so it's going to take her a little longer to do her comic.

Until then, here is my drawing. It is a picture of Smaug the Great and Powerful from “The Hobbit – The Desolation of Smaug.” Bilbo Baggins is running from Smaug. Smaug is breathing fire. He's chasing Bilbo.

From Pixie

Smaug the Great and Powerful by Pixie, age 7


ACW Episode 230 – It’s in the blood


Click on the gorgeous comic to see it full sized!

This is an actual conversation I had with the kids this weekend as we worked on Halloween decorations. We bought a bunch of Dollar Store dolls and are converting them into zombies, in case it’s not clear what Pixie and I are working on.

By the way, have I mentioned how much I love Manga Studio 5? Between the pen tools, the ease of coloring my artwork, and the effects I can use, Manga Studio has made drawing webcomics so much more fun!

ACW Episode 225 – Juggling and Struggling

Honestly, I have a 4-panel strip scripted, lettered, and laid out. But it's not been sketched an drawn yet, due to the sheer amount of other work that I had to do last week. No joke, I spent four days straight doing nothing but Girl Scouts stuff – trying to place girls in troops, getting ready for and running my own troop meeting on Sunday, handling paperwork, etc. And this week I have a volunteer meeting every night except Friday. It's kind of brutal and so my schedule is rather screwed up right now.

But I'm just going to keep chugging along. I promise, there will be a webcomic on Mondays, though it may be a bit late, and there will be an episode of Bitchcraft on Friday, though sometimes that may be a bit late as well. Meanwhile, I will also be working hard to keep up with my other work as best as I can. And when necessary, I will take entire days off from Girl Scouts, because hey, I'm a VOLUNTEER and I have A LIFE OUTSIDE OF GIRL SCOUTS.

Meanwhile, do you like the colors on the comic above? I'm playing around with new colors schemes in my non-comics art, and since I had this color palette already set up in SketchClub, I decided to use it in today's comic. It sort of matches my wardrobe now, since I accidentally dyed everything I own slightly yellow. Oops.


ACW Episode 219 – Don’t go into the water


Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized webcomic!

So far this summer, we’ve spent 5 out of 7 days a week in the pool. I think I’ve started growing gills.

Also, I’ve finally made the switch back to Manga Studio EX for drawing the webcomic. It wasn’t easy to get back into the program, but once I got things set up, I was able to get this drawn and inked much faster. It helps that I can now run the program on my Surface Pro 😉

ACW Episode 218 – the Ultimate Horror

Click on the thumbnail for the full-sized image!

To be fair, Princess has never refused to clean her room. She just simply can't figure out what to do. School, church, camp, and other places she goes to all send her home with a metric crap-ton of… Well, crap. Loose papers, worksheets, flimsy crafts, crappy cheap toys, awards for having just shown up (I hate those damn things the most). There's a constant influx of garbage coming into the house and ending up right in her room. And Princess is 10, which means she can't yet sort out what's important and what needs to be thrown away. I know she can clean. She cleans the bathrooms for me all the time. But the bathrooms don't have that much crap in them!

So I told Princess last week that I was going to help her by reducing the stuff in her room by at least half. Over the course of seven days, I tossed out five full bags of garbage and recycling and filled several large boxes with old clothes and toys she doesn't play with anymore. Princess was astonished and very happy. We can actually see the floor now, and we finally know where all her school uniforms are. It's a miracle!

Of course, I still have to do this for Pixie's room, my room, and every other room in the house. I didn't get much cleaning done this year thanks to my torn ACL. So I will be spending all summer tossing out at least half of what we have stored in here. I can't wait too see what the final result will look like. I may discover I have an entirely new house when I'm done!


ACW Episode 198 – They’re just like me

Click on the thumbnail above to see the full-sized webcomic!

Yes, the above conversation did happen, exactly like that.

I'm not 100% sure what sparked Princess' interest in becoming a goth. It may have been a recent re-reading of Edward Gorey's Gashley Crumb Tinies or possibly she saw a bit of NCIS one afternoon while I was watching it and noticed Abby. Or maybe it was a recent viewing of Beetlejuice or Night,are Before Christmas. Or maybe it was some very old photos of me in my teen years. Whatever sparked her interest, Princess has taken to being a goth big time. She bought herself a copy of Gothic Charm School by Jillian Vinters last week and ever since has been dressing up in whatever black clothing she can find in her closet (and mine) and then gone bopping along to The Cure and The Smiths and whatever other appropriate CDs the Hubster has been able to find.

Of course, Pixie cannot sit idly by, so she is doing exactly the same thing. On Friday, they had the day off from school and when I came down to breakfast I found both girls dressed head-to-toe in black. They had a friend come over and she was a little surprised by their outfits, but once the girls explained what was up, she laughed and played along.

So, there ya go. My teen years have come back to revisit me a bit sooner than I had expected, but I am hardly disappointed by this. They are, afterall, my kids. Now I just need to start sewing again and hope I can keep up with Princess' wardrobe demands. Or teach her to sew herself. Because no matter how goth she gets, she's still Princess, and she's going to dress like one no matter what!

I will be at FARPOINT this weekend in Maryland. I'm doing a couple panels and may have a table. If I have a table, it'll be loaded up with zombie cards and prints and creepy crocheted things, etc. So be sure to stop by and say hi!