ACW Episode 198 – They’re just like me

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Yes, the above conversation did happen, exactly like that.

I'm not 100% sure what sparked Princess' interest in becoming a goth. It may have been a recent re-reading of Edward Gorey's Gashley Crumb Tinies or possibly she saw a bit of NCIS one afternoon while I was watching it and noticed Abby. Or maybe it was a recent viewing of Beetlejuice or Night,are Before Christmas. Or maybe it was some very old photos of me in my teen years. Whatever sparked her interest, Princess has taken to being a goth big time. She bought herself a copy of Gothic Charm School by Jillian Vinters last week and ever since has been dressing up in whatever black clothing she can find in her closet (and mine) and then gone bopping along to The Cure and The Smiths and whatever other appropriate CDs the Hubster has been able to find.

Of course, Pixie cannot sit idly by, so she is doing exactly the same thing. On Friday, they had the day off from school and when I came down to breakfast I found both girls dressed head-to-toe in black. They had a friend come over and she was a little surprised by their outfits, but once the girls explained what was up, she laughed and played along.

So, there ya go. My teen years have come back to revisit me a bit sooner than I had expected, but I am hardly disappointed by this. They are, afterall, my kids. Now I just need to start sewing again and hope I can keep up with Princess' wardrobe demands. Or teach her to sew herself. Because no matter how goth she gets, she's still Princess, and she's going to dress like one no matter what!

I will be at FARPOINT this weekend in Maryland. I'm doing a couple panels and may have a table. If I have a table, it'll be loaded up with zombie cards and prints and creepy crocheted things, etc. So be sure to stop by and say hi!