Flashback Friday! Random Characters


I’ve been posting images from the same sketchbook for several weeks now. A lot of that sketchbook was just random scribbles and doodles. I hated that sketchbook at the time because I thought there was nothing significant or worthwhile in it, but looking at it now, I actually like it.  Even though this sketchbook is perhaps 15 years old, I can see a certain development in my cartooning style. 

Also, I realize just by looking at this page that I ought to randomly doodle and scribble more often. In fact, Mich (she who is my brain) has insisted that I start spending a certain amount of time everyday drawing and sketching to improve my skill and drawing speed. The last 2–3 weeks have been too hectic to start a new habit like that, but hopefully I’ll get started on this soon. Or I may have already started, since I wrote this blog post more than a week in advance. I guess we shall see, huh?

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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