ACW Episode 104 – Why Did I Volunteer?!

Explain to me again why I volunteered to be Cookie Mom?

Oh yeah. Princess.

See, Princess and I made a deal. She’d get all her work done in school and I’d let her participate in Brownies. And she has definitely kept her end of the deal, so we’ve been going to Brownie meetings regularly all year. But then the troop needed volunteers to do things. I wasn’t ready to step in as troop leader or assistant leader, nor did I think I was ready to be treasurer when the call went out at the beginning of the year. But when they asked for a volunteer to be the troop cookie coordinator, I thought maybe it was time for me to get involved more. After all, Princess was really doing well in school.

Well, she continues to do well and I am now up to my assets in paperwork and cases of cookies. It’s taken a huge chunk out of my schedule and about driven me crazy with the paperwork and pick-ups and deliveries and coordination. A smooth, low stress job this has not been (and it was specifically described to me as smooth and low-stress). But still, Princess has kept her word and I want to support the things she does so I’m keeping mine.

And in spite of all the hassle, I will probably do this again next year. It’s one of those jobs where, once you’ve done it, you pretty much know it. In other words, it will be less of a pain in the ass next time around. I hope. I certainly wouldn’t want to inflict this job on some other poor, unsuspecting mom.

Or would I?

Would anybody here be interested in taking on a smooth, low stress volunteer opportunity next year? The Girl Scouts could really use your help…

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention ACW Episode 104 – Why Did I Volunteer?! « The Cynical Woman Website --

  2. keep an eye on either my twitter feed or your email, I’ll send those pics over to you in a bit.

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