Move It Mama Monday! Just keep moving…

Nothing exciting going on in the realm of exercise this week. Instead, I’ve been working to keep up with my usual routine while I deal with work and Girl Scout cookie stuff. I’m more glad than ever that I have the option of working out at home. I’ve spent plenty of time on the elliptical machine and with Wii Fit Plus, Walk It Out!, EA Sports Active 2 and Just Dance. I haven’t been able to get to karate class as often as I’d like, due to work conflicts, and I deliberately skipped my usual swim and water aerobics session on Friday so I could stay home and write. But even when I don’t get out of the house, I do still make the effort to pull on my sweats and get moving.

Apparently this effort has paid off. I’ve definitely dropped a few pounds, and in spite of the stress I’ve been sleeping very soundly these last few weeks. I get tired during the day, but I don’t feel jittery like I sometimes do when stressed out. I just want to curl up for a nap.

I’m looking forward to the summer when most of the things stressing me will have fallen by the wayside. Plus the warmer weather will mean I can get back outside to work in the yard and practice karate. I keep meaning to start practicing at the gym, but again schedule problems have interfered with those plans as well as with my usual routine.

I’ll survive. I’ll keep moving, keep exercising, and I’ll stay in shape, regardless of the stress.

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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