Cover Art – Best S&M III

I’m in the process of updating the art gallery with some of the cover art I’ve done this year. This was a book cover I did this summer for Best S&M Volume III, an anthology edited by the very talented writer M. Christian. When the publisher,, and I tossed around ideas for this piece, we kept coming up with the standard images – a cropped photo of woman’s corsetted torso, a close up of handcuffs on a woman’s arm, etc. I hate the anonymous, cropped woman image. It makes it seem like BDSM is only for submissive women, specifically those who are too ashamed to show their faces and acknowledge what they enjoy. So I decided I wanted to do a fun piece of artwork, showing both a man and a woman laughing and having fun themselves, and maybe the woman is the one in charge here, or maybe not. It doesn’t really matter so long as all parties involved are having a good time. With all those elements in consideration, this is the cover I came up with.

The image was first rendered in DAZ Studio, then taken into Photoshop for postworking and effects.

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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  1. I have to say that this is a WONDERFUL cover — bravo! But then I am a tad (just a tad) biased!

  2. Dear M.,

    You? Biased? About this cover? I find that hard to believe 😉

    Seriously though, I’m glad you liked it. I really wanted to do something different, something I hadn’t seen before in this particular area of erotica. The goofy grin on the guy’s face alone was enough to make this cover worth the effort!

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