ACW Episode 88 – Knitting in public

Two things have surprised me about learning to knit. The first is the number of people who express surprise that I can knit when they see me doing it in public. Not surprise as in, “Oh wow, I didn’t think you had enough brain cells to be able to do something like that.” But more like, “Holy cow! What is that bizarre activity you’re doing? I could never do that!” Why people think they can’t knit is beyond me, as the basics are pretty… well, basic. Things do get more complicated, but you sort of work up to that. Which brings me to surprise number two.

Naughty knitting patterns. I knew about the penis cozies. I can’t recall who told me about them, but I had heard of them before. What I wasn’t aware of was the patterns for lingerie, stockings, garter belts, etc. I keep finding fun new patterns that I want to try, and I’m just waiting to get busted while knitting one of them at my daughter’s Catholic school. Nuns don’t scare me, just so you know, but it does hurt when they hit you in the back of the head with an eraser.

And speaking of things nuns wouldn’t approve of, here are my boobs again…

If you have not yet bought your “Fear Me!” t-shirt, you can still get one! I’m going to keep these t-shirts available on for the indefinite future, because I’m hoping they’ll sell well and send some much needed money to This is the shirt I’ll be wearing at the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear, and since I’m obviously going in hopes of keeping fear alive, I’ll be tricked out in full cynical regalia, with the horns, the demon wings backpack, funky sunglasses, etc. Anyway, buy a shirt or donate directly to, and do something good with your dirty, dirty money!

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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  1. I’ll inspect my mother’s knitting pattern next time I visit…

  2. Steve,

    Do you really want to know what your mother is knitting? };D

  3. Don’t forget the pasties and merkins.
    Have you joined Ravelry yet?
    (gosh, that sounded like an ad…)

  4. Soorawn, I am on Ravelry, but have been so busy this past year with the drawing and cartoons that I’ve had no time to knit or crochet. I’m hoping to change that come summer, but right now I’m swamped!

  5. good! I like your cartoons 😀
    I only realised that I was commenting on an old post after hitting the button, but it was worth anyway to say: hi fellow knitter/artist! Hope to see you around, have fun x

  6. Soorawn, you are free to comment on any post, no matter what the age! I like the feedback 😉

    I will see you around!

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