ACW Episode 71 – Why Mama Drinks

This one is so true it’s almost painful. For the record, I only drink a glass of wine about once every couple of months, but when I drink it, it’s because I’ve really been pushed to the limit by the kids, work, house cleaning… everything.

We’ve all had those days, I’m sure. Days where there’s more whine than wine. Lately, the girls have both been driving me nuts, especially Pixie. Every other word out of her mouth is “NO!” The words in between are all “WAAAAAAAAAAH!!” And this has been going on for weeks now. We took her to a local Greek festival on Friday and could not get that kid to do anything. Didn’t want to try the food. Didn’t want to sit down and watch the dancers. Didn’t want to look at the craft stalls. Didn’t want to go on the jumbo slide with her sister. Didn’t want go home. Didn’t want to stay. All evening long. After two hours, I was at my limit. I told Hubster I was going into the church to buy some pastries and then we were all heading home. He handed me a couple of twenties, which I thought was odd until I got inside and saw they were also selling bottles of Greek wine. So I bought wine and pastries and Hubster laughed when I came back out and he saw the bottle.

“I knew it!” he said.

“Hell yes you knew it! Why else would you hand me an extra $20? How much baklava do you think we could eat?!”

Any way, Pixie is still fussy and farty, and Princess is still chawing my ear off about her sister keeps copying her fart noises (among other things), and I still have 2/3rds a bottle of red Greek wine. I wonder how long that bottle will last.

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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