ACW Episode 55 – Thanks for the Mammaries

This actually happened. Last week, the kids were home three days straight due to a school holiday and two snow days following. This in addition to them being home for the weekend. The snow had started on Friday, kept through till Saturday, and was still covering pretty much everything on Sunday. Monday was the school holiday. By Tuesday, I’d been dealing with snow-crazed kids for four days straight, so when I left for my mammogram that morning, I could not get out of the house fast enough. I was damned disappointed that the exam only took 15 minutes. I was hoping to spend all morning sitting quietly in the waiting room, just enjoying a little alone time.

But no such luck. I begged to be allowed to stay once my exam was over and was promptly kicked out. So back home I went to my snow-crazy kids. They had one more day off from school, then finally went back Thursday and Friday. And were home when the snow started again that Friday evening. Yes, another weekend at home with my snow-crazy kids. It’s enough to make one beg to have their boobs squashed flat again.

Hope you’ve all survived whatever winter storms are in your area, and if you haven’t had a mammogram done yet and need to get one, hop to it! It may be the only way you’ll get a few minutes of peace and quiet this winter.

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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