Sunday Contentments – Early Mornings

Thinking more today about things that make me content. It’s 1:30 PM right now, and I’ve had an extremely productive, yet relaxing, Sunday so far. Here’s what’s made my day full of contentment.

  • Getting up at the crack of dawn and having the house to myself
  • Working in peace and quiet
  • Finishing a project early
  • Working out without interuptions
  • DDR
  • Wii Fit yoga
  • Sleeping babies (especially when they’re so chubby and cute!)

  • A cup of coffee, eggs on toast, and a fresh peach for breakfast
  • Clean laundry
  • Clean house
  • Time to read the Sunday newspaper
  • An afternoon free to do a little light work
  • An evening of dinner and conversations with good friends
  • Time to knit (I’m working on a belt now!)
  • Books to read
  • A cup of hot Darjeeling tea

It really doesn’t take much to make me happy. Just a quiet life at a pace I can handle. I’ve been up since 5AM this morning, gotten in my workout and housecleaning, and I’ll probably sleep like a rock tonight. And it’s all good.

What do you want out of life? Where do you find your contentment?

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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  1. I'm sooo jealous.

  2. Of what? The sleeping baby? I'll rent her to you for two dollars. You won't be so jealous when she wakes up 😉

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