Fiction Friday – The Case of the Pitcher’s Pendant: A Billibub Baddings Mystery

Like the icon? It’s supposed to be a book wyrm, i.e. a dragon that devours books by the scores. I would love to be a book wyrm like this guy. In fact, when I started the Fiction Friday posts, it was with the intention to do a weekly review on what I was reading. Unfortunately, I don’t get to read as often as I would like. I still intend to keep doing Fiction Friday, but I can’t guarantee it will be every week (unless I somehow magically get my act together).

Having said all that, I did recently read that I wanted to talk about – The Case of the Pitcher’s Pendant: A Billibub Baddings Mystery. I actually happen to know the author, Tee Morris. Not know know, like in that sense of “Oh yeah, Tee! I’ve known him for years! We’re best friends!” But I do know him in the sense that Tee’s the one who got me started podcasting.

I first met Tee at RavenCon three years back, where he did a weekend-long workshop on podcasting. Tee also wrote the fantasy books Morevi and Legacy of Morevi, as well as some technical books including Podcasting for Dummies (which I refer to often for my podcast), Expert Podcasting Practices for Dummies, and his latest book All a Twitter. The man definitely knows what he’s talking about when it comes to podcasting and social media. But what caught my attention about Tee’s work was that he was podcasting his fiction, making his novels available a chapter at a time for free in audio format. I was desperate for some good books, but with a toddler and a preschooler on my hands, I couldn’t find time to sit down and read. So after RavenCon, I went home, bought myself an iPod Shuffle, and downloaded Tee’s novel, The Case of the Singing Sword: A Billibub Baddings Mystery.

This was the first Billibub Baddings mystery, a story about a dwarf from a fantasy realm who falls into the heart of Prohibition Era Chicago and becomes a private eye. This story quickly became a favorite of mine, and I looked forward to downloading a new chapter every week to listen to. At that rate, it took me a while to get through the book, but I didn’t mind. I had something fun to listen to while I exercised and did chores around the house. This was a win for me.

Then last August, the second Billibub Baddings book came out, The Case of the Pitcher’s Pendant. Both this book and the first centered on the mysterious appearance of magical artifacts from Billi’s world appearing in Chicago. Such articles in the wrong hands, like say, Al Capone’s, could prove more than disastrous, so it’s up to Billi to find the items in question and put them safely away. Along the way, he ends up dealing with gangsters, the FBI, the Chicago Police, various femme fatales, and more shady characters than you can shake a stick at. The books aren’t Raymond Chandler, but only because there’s a good deal more humor in them. Billi is a hard working detective with some unusual skills at his disposal, and he goes all out to solve the cases presented to him. The Case of the Pitcher’s Pendant opens up in Chicago, following the disaster of Black Thursday. Everyone is struggling to survive, including Billi, but the love for baseball, the national past time, still runs strong. There’s a new baseball team, though, the Baltimore Mariners, who play far better than they should. When Chicago Cubs manager Joe McCarthy shows up in Billi’s office, asking him to look into things, the dwarf takes on the case. It’s a dream job for Billi, who’s a big fan of the game, but then things take a nasty turn when two murders, apparently unrelated, occur. And when Al Capone shows up, things just get that much more interesting.

I read The Case of the Pitcher’s Pendant in just a few days, which says a lot. For me to read that quickly, I had to shove some other things off my busy schedule, like sleep. But I was too busy enjoying myself to really complain. I love detective novels. I love seeing gumshoes put together a case, piece by piece, and Tee let’s the reader put the pieces together on their own as well, providing a few clues to what’s going on without bludgeoning you over the head with a lot of wasted exposition. The setting for the story is spot on, exactly what I would imagine Chicago in 1930 to be. And while I’m not a fan of baseball (honestly, I’m not a fan of any team sport), my lack of knowledge on the subject wasn’t a problem. Tee wove in enough background on the sport and its history so that I could understand what was going on without feeling like I was drowning in an info dump. In fact, Tee made everything about the story engaging, with the right mix of fantasy, history, humor and mystery to keep me up late three nights in a row.

So yeah, I would definitely recommend The Case of the Pitcher’s Pendant, and The Case of the Singing Sword. The latter you can listen to for free if you like, over at And if you’re interested in The Case of the Pitcher’s Pendant, you can pick it up on

But don’t try to borrow my copy or the Book Wyrm will get ya!

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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  1. WOW. Just…wow!

    Thank you for such a wonderful review. A nice way to launch into a weekend.

  2. You are more than welcome, Tee. I love being entertained, and your book certainly did the job!

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