WIP – Medusa and Bats

Here’s the latest update on Medusa and Bats. I haven’t had much time to work on it lately, so I stole half an hour this evening to do some more blending on the characters. I can see a few places where I’m going ot need to add contrasting colors, and for the life of me, I don’t really know what I’m going to do about the bat yet. He’s really, really awful looking, but I’ll figure something out eventually.

By the way, if you haven’t seen the announcements I made on Twitter yet, I have a new project up and running. It’s the Very Scary Art website, a gallery of kids’ artwork about things that scare them. The site was set up in support of DonorsChoose.org. Go take a look!

Daily Doodle – Robot final

There are two versions of this painting, so make sure you see them both. This first version was what I ended up with after painting in Art Rage 3.0. I did the entire image using only the watercolor tool, and was very pleased with the results. However, I thought it lacked something, so I exported this image with its various layers as a Photoshop document, and did some more work in that program. Here’s the results of that…

This definitely gave the image some punch. I used a couple of iStock images I had on a resources disk from Photoshop Creative magazine; one image of tree branches in autumn and the other a circuit board. The first obviously went in the upper left corner of the pic. I ran it through the water color filter, then faded in the edges using the maple leaf brush in Photoshop, then added more maple leaves to work it into the background a bit more. The circuit board image I had to work on a bit more; inverting it, colorizing it, and again fading in the edges using a layer mask and a few textured brushes (the maple leaf and one of the oil brushes).

I also overlaid some texture photos, again from my Photoshop Creative resources disk. And you can see the final result.

I always say I plan to take more time to do art. It’s hard to find that time given my current workload. But playing in Art Rage made things rather simple; just a few minutes here, a few minutes there, and then about an hour this evening finishing up the effects and postwork. We’ll see if I can pull this off again in the near future.