At long last, episode 18 is here! This week you get to meet Patty, another one of the moms in my posse (I don’t do MOMMIES GROUPS!). Patty is pretty practical and has a solution for everything. While she never said this line to me (actual credit goes to Alessia Brio, I think), this is something she would have said. Her solutions are great, it’s just me and my freak life that makes them impossible to use.
This week, I handled the pencils the old-fashioned way – with an actual pencil and paper! I found a drawing pad that was 24” by 8”, which equals a long, skinny sheet of paper perfect for sketching out four panel comics. I’m still experimenting with the inking. Will it be quicker to ink in Manga Studio or to do it by hand as well and then import everything into Photoshop or Illustrator for lettering and word balloons? I’d stick with Manga Studio because it’s so much easier to handle toning and the pen tool gives such a nice dark line, but honestly, Manga Studio Debut sucks at handling text.
Manga Studio 4.0 comes out sometime soon, so I’ll check that out and make a decision then. But I think I’ll stick with actual paper and pencil for the initial sketching. That happened much quicker. I’ve already got next week’s strip pencilled and ready to scan.
Enjoy the cartoon!