Inktober Results

Ugh. I know I said I’d blog more often, but I never seem to find the time to sit down and actually write the blog posts. Things move so fast around here. Honestly, I finished work on Inktober just in time to start volunteering with Princess’ drama club at school. Their first play this year opens tonight, and I’ve spent the last two weeks fitting costumes and helping to make props.

But enough complaining for now. I said I’d post some more pics from Inktober, so here we go. I managed to finish 23 out of 31 days this year, and by finish, I mean I honestly and truly finished! I drew the pencil art, colored it in with markers (I love markers), and then I did the inking and posted each piece to Instagram. If you want to see all of the drawings I did, my Instagram is @cynical_woman.

The theme I went with for this year’s Inktober was witches, so I drew a lot of weird little magical girls and anything else witch-related that I could think of.

Inktober 2018 Flame Witch

“The Flame Witch”

Inktober 2018 Magic Wand

“Magic Wand”

Inktober 2018 Sand Witch

“The Sand Witch”

Inktober 2018 Rose Witch

“The Rose Witch”

Inktober 2018 Thorn Witch

“The Thorn Witch”

Inktober 2018 Bone Witch

“The Bone Witch”

Inktober 2018 Pumpkin Witch

“The Pumpkin Witch”

These were my favorites from this year. I especially love the Flame Witch. Her pose and expression and outfit turned out perfect!

Anyway, that’s if for Inktober this year. Hopefully, by next week, I’ll have something new to post. I’m working on unfinished projects for November, and have already completed two, so I’ll see about posting them next.

Inktober- Days 1-3

There are not enough hours in the day. The last six weeks have been crazier than even our usual standard of crazy, by which I mean just about everything that could go wrong has gone wrong… with BOTH our cars. I’ll write a full post about that late on.

In the meantime, since I did promise myself I was going to get back to blogging a couple times a week (and still haven’t managed to do that yet), here’s a quick look at the first three #Inktober drawings that I’ve done. I’ve managed to keep up so far, and have a total of six drawings. I decided to go with a “witch” theme rather than use the prompts given for this year’s Inktober. Without further ado, here’s days 1-3.

Inktober 2018 - Witchie

Inktober 2018, day 1 – Witchie

The first day. I knew I wanted to draw witches, but I also wanted to draw cute little girls. I decided on my theme after going through my tee shirt collection and finding an old “Precious Miseries” shirt. I love those cute, gothic little girls!

Inktober 2018, Sugar Skull Witch

Inktober 2018, day 2 – Sugar Skull Witch

Once I decided I was going to do a bunch of kawaii witches, I started thinking about “Adventure Time,” and how the show had so many difference princesses. So this is sort of an homage to Princess Bubblegum.

Inktober 2018, day 3 - Baby Mandrake

Inktober 2018, day 3 – Baby Mandrake

By the third day, I realized I was going to end up putting a LOT of work into coloring each of these drawings. I love coloring with markers, but I have a very specific way of doing it, and it’s very time consuming. So even though I’m doing all my Inktober drawings this year on ATCs (2 1/2 inches by 3 1/2 inches), I’m still spending a couple of hours on each piece. I thought drawing some of the accoutrements of a witch would be simpler than drawing a witch, so I decided to draw a very cute baby mandrake. That’s when I learned two things. First, baby mandrakes are that much simpler than cute witches. Second, I really like the broken line style of inking that I did on this one, so I’ve kept doing that with all the other Inktober drawings I’ve done so far this week.

I’ll share a few more Inktober drawings later this week. But for now, I’ve got to exercise and then I’m spending the rest of the day making fake rocks and boulders for this year’s Girl Scout murder mystery party. I’ll give you a clue for this year’s mystery. Someone gets crushed by a rock slide!