Heroes of March – Day 31, Finally the Dresses

Super dresses!

We are the champions of the universe!

I actually had these dresses done last weekend, and the Pixie and I were able to wear them to Easter Sunday service. Then spring break started up and I suddenly became very busy with digging up my yard. Yesterday, my best friend and her husband came over and helped me build garden boxes for my side yard. I’ve got seedlings growing in one window sill. Okay, four seedlings and plenty of mildew, but something is growing! The plan is after April 15th, to plant either seedlings that I grew or seedlings I end up having to buy, and then see if I can get some vegetables to grow. However, in addition to being a super seamstress, I’m also a villainous black thumb, so I am my own worst enemy in this venture.

Anywho, the dresses got done! I made the Pixie’s dress with some of the same fabric I used for mine. Her’s is more straight up red, white, and blue, so we bought Captain America socks to go with it. You can’t see it in this picture, but I’m wearing Wonder Woman socks with my Wonder Woman high-top Converse. We both got a lot of complements on our outfits, so I’m very happy with how this all turned out!

But now I’m going to bed, because gardening is hard work and I’m tired. See you later on tomorrow, hopefully!

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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