Krampus Challenge – Day 19, Slow Day


Shrunken Elf Head Ornament Parts

Things are getting done stitch by stitch here.

Today was a slow day. I only got 2/3 of a hat done this evening because I slept very late this morning, then spent the rest of the day watching the new Star Wars movie and going out to dinner. I was a total SLUG. Maybe i’ll make a slug ornament to commemorate this lazy day.

Actually, a slug pillow for my bed would be kind of cool. I may have to look into that.

Hubster, the kids and I enjoyed the new Star Wars movie. I will NOT post any spoilers here. Instead, I’ll just say it’s nice to see my kids so excited about something that I first enjoyed almost 40 years ago.

Also, a bit of random trivia about me and Hubster – today is the 25th anniversary of our first date. Twenty-five years ago today, Hubster took me out to see the ONLY movie that was playing in our small college town at that time – “Home Alone.” “Star Wars – The Force Awakens” is a much, MUCH better movie. Although I would watch a reboot of “Home Alone” if they got BB-8 to play Macaulay Culkin.

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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