Rats! Episode 93 – Alley-OOPS!


Click on the thumbnail above to view the full-sized webcomic!

Again, I must re-iterate, I had the world’s shortest roommate my senior year at Viriginia Tech.

Sorry I missed last week’s Rats! post. I came back from Balticon and immediately got sucked into end-of-year activities for Girl Scouts and the kids’ school. We had no less than 3 Girl Scout events, a field day, two class parties, and Pixie’s birthday all in the course of ten days. On Saturday, we’ll be at Girl Scouts Rock the Mall and then we celebrate the Hubster’s birthday. School ended yesterday for the kids, and now everything around here is kind of topsy-turvey as I try to get on some sort of workable schedule with two screaming children around.

Oh yeah, did I mention I’m going to be the troop leader for Princess’ Girl Scout troop next year? Because cookie mom simply wasn’t enough…

So my schedule is a bit off this week and promises to be a bit off next week. I’m at my desk right now trying to write up as many blog posts as I can in advance. Next Monday’s Adventures of Cynical Woman webcomic will be late, as I cannot start on that before Friday due to all that’s going on. But I will get that up as soon as I can. And if any other blog posts go up, you know I at least got something done today beyond laundry and screaming at the kids.

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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