ACW 159 – Yay! Camping!


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Oh yeah, this really did happen. Weekend before this, I took Princess’ Brownie troop camping. And do you want to talk about whining and fighting and complaining! I made bacon and eggs with the girls to feed everybody Saturday morning and all those girls wanted was cold cereal! And they were the ones who voted for bacon and eggs in the first place!!  Heathens!

So the Brownies were driving me nuts, when out of the blue, Pixie shows up with her Daisy troop to tell me she lit a real fire!!!!!!  YES!! Just what every mother wants to hear her 5–year-old say!  Fortunately, I knew this was one of the scheduled activities for the girls, and I knew the woman running that class, so I only had a minor heart attack before I recalled that yes, it was in fact okay for my youngest child to light a fire in this particular instance.

Anyway, most of my Girl Scout obligations have been met for the year.  I’ve got a few meetings to attend, a few training classes to take, and a picnic to help with, but that’s about it. Summer is almost here, and with it comes blessed relief from the non-stop Girl Scout activity I’ve been doing since December.  My family and I will be attending a few Girl Scout events this summer, including Rock the Mall in DC and Thrill Builders at Busch Gardens, but I’m only responsible for getting the four of us there for those events, and no one else!

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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