Mo’ Bettah Hair!

I wasn’t happy with the intensity of the pink and teal last night, so I pulled out my Splat and Special FX dyes and redid those areas. Here are the much mo’ bettah results!


About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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  1. That looks so fun and happy. I have hair envy!

  2. VERY COOL!!!!!!

  3. Mark, we’re actually making progress on the house. Have rediscovered the office and the kids’ rooms. Next up is the garage and master bedroom. Although it keeps raining here, so I don’t know when we’ll get to the garage. But hey, we’re making progress.

    Did I mention we still have that old rolltop desk you sold us?

  4. LOVE. IT.

    Hot hot hot mama!

  5. Susan, I will be sure to post photos when the permanent pink dye comes in. Going to have some fun with that this week!

  6. Cora, I wish we could all have the hair color we wanted 😉 I simply got tired of doing the usual thing and since I have the freedom to do what I want…

    I’ve got a more permanent dye on its way to me now, so things are going to be even more intense before all is said and done!

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