ACW Episode 103 – Let’s All Sing Along!

File this one under “Yet one more reason why Helen is a bad, bad mother.” Yes, I let my kids listen to Pink. At least some of her songs, anyway, though nothing quite so hard core as “F#%&ing Perfect.” But we do listen to “Raise Your Glass” quite a bit. Frankly, I like listening to Pink. And to Katy Perry. And to a few other artists who’s lyrics are a bit… unconventional in terms of children’s music. And Pixie and Princess both love to sing along to whatever is playing on the radio.

There are some who would say, “Why don’t you just listen to those songs when your kids aren’t around?!” To those people I would say, “The only time the kids aren’t around is when I’m working, and when I’m working, I’m not listening to music.” And then those same people might come back and say, “Then why not only listen to those songs when you’re driving around in your car?!” And to those people I would say, “I do only listen to those songs when I’m in my car! The problem is, I’m almost never in the car without the kids!!”

Seriously, the only opportunity I get to listen to music I like is when I’m driving, and I’m usually not in the car by myself. The kids are in there with me 90% of the time. And so they end up listening to a lot of music most parents would frown at. But I will say this.

It’s NOT my fault, because the Hubster is the one who keeps buying me those CDs!

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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  1. I’ve raised my little one on Zeppelin, Zevon, and Rush. She seems normal so far. I think.

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  3. Kat,

    Pixie seems to understand very well that she can sing those songs in the car while the CD is playing, but is not to sing them anywhere else. And she even knows which words are the “adult” words that she’s not allowed to repeat (there’s quite a bit of swearing in Pink’s music). Some songs on that particular CD are far to adult for her and those don’t get played at all, but “Raise Your Glass” is such a great song, and the only problem with it is the swear words, so I let them listen to it.

    And that’s why I’m a bad mom 😉

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