ACW Episo– HEY! Did I mention I got a new iPad?!!

“Bloody Mary” by Helen E. H. Madden, 28 December 2010

You guys are going to be so sick of hearing about my love affair with my new iPad. Sorry about that, but I am really, truly, honestly in LURVE!

I’ve done about a drawing a day on the iPad since I pulled it out of its box on Christmas morning. That’s a drastic increase in productivity and creativity for me, and I’m not at all unhappy about it. I’m mainly using the ArtRage app, but have been playing around in Sketchbook Pro, Brushes and Inspire Pro. ArtRage is the most complicated of these apps, but also the most flexible and it’s given me the best results so far. I’m sure, however, that I’ll get up to speed with the others before long.

I’m not using a stylus for these images, just my fingers. ArtRage lets me zoom in very close for detail, which is nice even though the zoom function is a bit of a pain to use. But it makes up for that with all the other natural art tools I can use – water colors, ink pen, chalk, crayon, etc. Layering various tools on top of each other has produced some interesting results. Again, I’m a very happy camper.

And this is far from the last you will hear about my iPad. In addition to creating artwork with it, I found a yoga app and a calorie counter/fitness tracker app. Plus I’ve downloaded plenty of ebooks. I’ve already read one book since Christmas, and plan to get through another before New Years. Yep, I’m a happy girl.

Enjoy your holidays, folks!

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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