WIP – Updates on T-shirt for the March to Keep Fear Alive

Okay, here are the three options I’ve come up with the t-shirt I intend to wear at the rally. I can get a red t-shirt done at Zazzle.com, although it’s a very dark red, so I may end up changing the text to white. Or I might just go with the design on a black t-shirt in red lettering, or black or red lettering on a white t-shirt. But here are the basic ideas. They all use the same “Fear Me” text, just different fonts and a little artwork on the third one. Which one do you like?

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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  1. Updates on my t-shirt design for “The March to Keep Fear Alive.” Which one do you like? http://www.cynicalwoman.com/2010/10/07/w

  2. @Cynical_Woman I like the top one best

  3. @Cynical_Woman our rally for reasonableness will destroy your fear rally, within acceptable limits, of course.

  4. I love the font on the middle shirt, but for “Fear Me” only. I think it’s too hard to read on the smaller lettering.

    Very cool, all of them!

  5. I actually vote for a combination of 1 and 2. Keep the 2nd’s text for Fear Me, and the 1st’s text for the remainder.

    My two cents ^_^

  6. Hmmm… I kinda like what Jett said, but if I have to pick one, I’d stick with option 1.

  7. @brandg BTW, Hubster will be going to the Rally for Sanity, so maybe you’ll run into him there!

  8. @Cynical_Woman I vote for the first design.

  9. @LeighEllwood Another vote for the first design! Seems I got it right the first time. That’s unusual for me 😉

  10. @Cynical_Woman I like that font better. It has a demented slant to it.

  11. Yeah, I like the font to the first one best too

  12. @LeighEllwood Some people have suggested taking the Fear Me from the 2nd sample and combining it with the rest of the first sample.

  13. @Cynical_Woman Hm, would have to see that, but it might work.

  14. @LeighEllwood Will probably post that version tomorrow. We’ll see what people think then.

  15. What a cool shirt! I think I like the first one best, but they’re all pretty nifty.

  16. [New Post] WIP – Updates on T-shirt for the March to Keep Fear Alive – via #twitoaster http://www.cynicalwoman.com/2010/10/07/w

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