It’s Sunday morning, late, and instead of watching the bird feeder while sitting at my dining room table with my cup of joe and my soft-boiled egg on toast, I am sitting in the lobby of the Hunt Valley Inn at Balticon, watching the people go by. I’ve had my morning run, my breakfast, some good conversation and two cups of coffee and I actually feel halfway human in spite of the fact I’ve been up late the last two nights in a row. This is good.
I don’t get out much, being a work-at-home mom, so events like Balticon are a big deal for me. I spent all day Thursday packing, trying to pick just the right outfits for the weekend, and making sure I had enough books to sell, enough promo to hand out. This is one of those rare times I actually get to see whether or not my hard work pays off. I’m happy to say this it looks like it has. I’ve had some wonderful people come up to me and say, “Hey, I read your Science of Sex/Move It Mama Monday post last week!” or “Hey! I love your web comic!” or best of all, “Hey! I read your book, Future Perfect! It was great!”
The moments when you realize you’re really a write with an audience can be few and far between, but they are very, very worth it when they come. So this weekend I’m happy to know that no matter how often I feel like I’m laboring alone in my tiny little office, no matter how often I feel like I’m just shouting into the void, I know I’m not. And that’s one of the the best feelings ever.
Enjoy your Sunday, folks. I’m going to go hit the con.