Sunday Contentments – Spring

The day has gotten away from me. I slept late, worn out after a Saturday filled with swim lessons, karate lessons, and a children’s birthday party, followed by staying up way too late playing a video game I have become enamored of. So I slept in, got to spend a bit of quality time with the Hubster, and as a result I am running four hours behind today.

I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

It’s Spring, a season that brings out both the lazy streak in me as well as the compulsive obsessive streak. I want to relax and enjoy the beautiful weather. At the same time, I want to burn my house to the ground and start all over again from scratch, as I believe that would be quicker than trying to fix everything that’s currently bothering me about it. I want to talk a nice slow walk in the balmy afternoon, and I want to run three miles and spend an hour practicing karate in the local tennis court. I want to lie in bed, and I want to get up early so I can get a jump on house cleaning.

What’s a girl to do?

I live with it. I try to relax, and work at a slow but steady pace. So far today, I’ve spent the morning with my husband, had breakfast with the girls (soft boiled egg on toast, my favorite!), gone for a 2 mile run, did 25 minutes of karate practice, and repaired my favorite pair of jeans which have been hanging on my door knob for several months, waiting for me to iron a patch in the rip along the center seam. Hubster has taken the girls off to Norfolk Botanical Gardens while I work on blog posts for this week, laundry, and some cover art for a client who I swear is just begging to have me come find him and bitch-slap him into the next millennium. I’m doing my very best to just enjoy the quiet time and ignore that single annoyance.

I’ve got my favorite Hawaiian shirt on, along with my favorite, recently repaired jeans. Chris Isaac’s Baja Sessions is playing on the stereo while I work, and I indulged in a little bit of artwork this afternoon, as you can see above. Life isn’t perfect, but it’s good.

As soon as the weather turned warm, I started coming up with plans for things I’d like to do around the house and the yard. I’m gardening again this year. I have waaaaay too many seedlings sitting on my window sills, waiting to die at my hands. I have books on craft projects for the home that I’ve book marked, trying to decide what I want to make first. Slip covers for the dining room chairs, or small hanging hampers for the laundry area to help sort my delicates and whites? Or maybe three matching gardening aprons for the girls and I?

Spring, it’s the season of possibilities where I feel like I can do anything and absolutely nothing at the same time. Reality will set in as the weather gets warmer, and by June I’ll be wondering how I’ll survive until October comes with cool weather. In the meantime, I’m going to dream and clean and laze about and scheme.

How do you plan to enjoy your spring?

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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