Sunday Contentments – Birthdays and Birding

Today has not gone at all as I would have liked, so I’m doing my best just to roll with it. I should know by now that the entire month of February is going to be totally F’ed up and just deal, yet somehow this month always catches me by surprise. In February, la casa de Madden has…

  • Valentine’s Day
  • Princess’ birthday
  • My birthday
  • My mother-in-law’s birthday
  • My trip to the Farpoint science fiction convention
  • And the ever popular 100th day of school project for Princess

We did manage to stave off some stress by not having a big party for Princess. However, we are going up to DC for my MIL’s birthday. So actually, we haven’t reduced stress at all on the birthday front. Princess’ 100th Day project got out the door in plenty of time and she received a good grade on it, but I’m juggling work and other responsibilities like nobody’s business.

Oh, and did I mention I just found out yesterday that my sister is in the hospital? She’s doing fine, but I may or may not end up flying up there to help out, depending on how things go.

But for now, it’s Sunday afternoon. Princess had dinner out for her birthday, and received more presents than I can shake a stick at. I can tell she’s gotten older because she’s developing an attitude. Even so, I love the little twerp. It wasn’t that long ago I was going into the hospital for a c-section and wondering what was going to come out in the end. A very bald, very fussy baby is what I got. And I miss having that baby, and the one that followed, because babies don’t usually talk back when you tell them to pick up their stuff or you’ll throw it out.

But the joys of a seven-year-old are many. This morning Princess described some birds that she had seen in the backyard. Birding is our latest hobby. Hubster gave me binoculars for Valentine’s Day, and no I’ve not been using them to spy on the neighbors, you perverts. I’ve been watching the birds in my backyard. Thanks to my nifty new binoculars, I can now identify house finches, dark-eyed juncos, cardinals, American gold finches, black-capped chickadees, blue jays, tufted tit-mice and a few other species. It’s fascinating to just sit at my dining room window and watch the action going on at my bird feeder. I love to spend lunch nibbling on a sandwich and watching the birds. It’s calm and very quiet, and I obviously need a little calm and quiet right now.

I’m going to go on with the remains of my day as peacefully as I can. I have stories to critique, laundry to wash and fold, and a podcast to edit. One day, I’ll clear some of this work off my plate and be able to relax a bit more. Until then, I enjoy my day as best as I can. I hope you enjoy yours as well.

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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