Sunday Contentment – Halloween fun with my kids

I love the month of October. Being sick the two weeks, I haven’t really been able to appreciate it as much as I would have liked, but then I realize I would rather have been ill in October when the weather is cool and pleasant and conducive to relaxing than be ill in July when the weather is so damn humid around here you can practically swim through air. The later would have made me really miserable.

But right now, I’m feeling better, maybe on the mend finally after battling a weird illness that has left me fatigued, nauseous. I’m sitting at the dining room table. Princess and Pixie are giggling over sandwiches and singing nonsense songs to each other. One song in particular sounds like a very warped version of Aerosmith’s “Dude Looks Like A Lady,” and I can’t stop chuckling as they howl that song at the top of their lungs. Obviously, I’m in the contentment zone, so let’s get started with what’s making me feel all warm and fuzzy this week.

Halloween decorations – my next-door neighbors are BIG into Halloween, to the point that they build this giant display every year. It’s a mix of hand made and store bought items, sometimes the store bought stuff having been customized in my neighbor’s workshop. Right now, they’ve got a huge graveyard in their front yard, complete with a fake stone entryway and wrought iron fence running around the entire thing. There’s ghosts and skeletons galore inside this thing, and I know there’s still more stuff in the garage waiting to be added. I plan to post pictures of what they’ve done on Friday as a Freaky Friday post.

Halloween decorations, part 2 – I found at Michael’s for mummies made from plaster wrap and Styrofoam, so this afternoon the entire family is going to set up on the back deck and put together some mummies for our yard. Our decorations can in no way compete with the neighbors’ but I don’t care. They’ve had years to build their display, and we’ll take years to build our own. Princess, who is obsessed with Egypt, is particularly looking forward to this afternoon.

Jogging – After my third knee injury, I never thought I’d jog again. It was just too painful. But Wii Fit included a jog-in-place activity that I could do, and somehow, I’ve eventually worked my way back to jogging around the neighborhood. I’m not very fast, and my endurance could use some building up, but I’m amazed that I can actually do this. October, with it’s lovely crisp fall weather, is the perfect time for jogging too.

Princess and Pixie – there’s nothing like listening to your kids laugh while they’re goofing around. I’m constantly amazed at the things these two girls do. Last night, Pixie (who is three) lectured us on how Columbus discovered the West Indies, and then launched into a spiel about the solar system that had me in stitches. She looked so serious with her hands on her hips, going on and on about planets and suns and moons and Mother Earth. I have to remember to thank her pre-school teacher for that. Meanwhile, Princess has developed an interest in drawing anime style characters, although she doesn’t realize they’re anime yet. I’ve got plenty of how to draw books, including manga and anime, and will be cracking those open later this week to do some drawing with her. She’s gotten pretty good!

Grilled cheese sandwiches – Hubster just handed me one fresh out of the pan. It’s GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!

Fall clothing – I hate wearing shorts, and all summer long I pine for my jeans. While I love my t-shirts, I miss my long-sleeve tees. Today, I’ve got on a proper fall outfit and I love it.

Good books – I’ve read a couple of amazing books recently. I can’t recall the authors off the top of my head, and I’m too lazy to look them up at the moment on Amazon, but I highly recommend the following titles – Soulless (by Gail Carriger, who’s name I can actually remember), Of Bees and Mist, and Drood (a sort of fictionalized horror story about the last five years of Charles Dickens’ life and how he came to write The Mystery of Edwin Drood).

And that’s about it for this week. Have a nice day this Sunday, and enjoy your contentment.

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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