Sunday Contentments – Running!

I have had a very long busy week, made even busier by the sudden realization at the last minute that I had a story that needed major proof-reading and correction yesterday, in time for a deadline today. Between that rewrite and producing next week’s episode of the Heat Flash Erotica Podcast, I ended up spending most of the day in the office, working. I didn’t get to bed until around midnight, then woke up half-dead this morning. I was so foggy headed, I actually put the coffee grounds in the coffee maker before I put the filter in. Yeah, it was that kind of morning.

However, I did manage to get things turned around after that, and I’m now enjoying a nice Sunday afternoon. I’ve still got work to do, but it’s at a level I can handle and still get some time on the couch knitting and reading later today. With that in mind, here’s this Sunday’s contentments:

Running – I was a cadet in ROTC during college, and had to run at least 3 times a week in formation for four years straight. I hated it. I never ran before college, and I spent a lot of time in college yakking up my guts after going miles with my fellow cadets. It wasn’t until after college, when I was out on my own, that I discovered the joys of running. When I could run at my own pace, choose my own route, and not have to listen to someone scream at me to “Pick it up, cadet!!” I used to do a lot of running, prior to having the girls. Then after the third knee injury, I stopped. Running just hurt too much. Recently though, I’ve been getting back to it. Maybe it’s because I’ve been keeping up with my glucosamine supplements and physical therapy, but my knees no longer ache after going a couple of miles around the neighborhood. This morning, after my disaster with the coffee maker, I threw on my sweats and sneakers and headed out the door. The sky was a perfect Autumn blue, the weather was cool with a light breeze, and a few of the neighbors were out gardening. Perfect running conditions. I love it.

Reading – I’ve had the opportunity to sit down with my netbook most nights the past few weeks and do some serious reading. I know I’m staying up waaaaay to late, devouring horror stories and such, but I’m enjoying the hell out of myself. Drood by Dan Simmons is excellent, as was The Mystery of Edwin Drood by Charles Dickens. Once I get past this month, I’ll put up a list of recommended reads for October.

Time to myself – both girls are in school, and I’ve got most days to myself now. Yeah, I miss having the munchkins run around the house, screaming and giggling and generally tearing the place apart. But I’ve got plenty of ways to fill those hours. I’ve been catching up on e-mail and work, and can actually now look forward to starting work on some new projects, maybe even this week. It’s so amazing what I get done in the few hours I have to myself each day!

Swimming – this one goes right up there with running. I never did a lot of swimming until I realized it hurt too much to run. Then I really got into it. I didn’t go swimming this summer, not laps at the Y anyway, because I had my hands full with the girls. I went back to the pool for the first time on Friday. Since I didn’t have to drag anyone with me, I wasn’t restricted to the hours that the Y nursery is open. That meant at noon, when they’ve got the most swim lanes open for lap swim, I had a lane all to myself. Heck, I almost had the whole pool to myself! It was nice.

Getting published – sometime in the next week or so, I’ll have four short stories out from Logical Lust. These are the stories that I’ve been running this past month on the Heat Flash Erotica Podcast, and they include some of the best pieces I’ve ever written. I’m hoping more published work will mean more sales. Help a mother out and buy my books!

I think I’m going to leave it at that today. Princess is playing with the Wii right now, and Pixie is out shopping with the Hubster. I’ve got some artwork to finish – the cover art for my upcoming releases. I’m going to go play with my graphics programs now, and enjoy the rest of the afternoon. You have fun today, too!

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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