Fried But Not Tasty

I’m going on five nights of insomnia now, and it’s just about killing me. And I caught the creeping crud from Sam! How does that kid manage to get sick in the summer?!

I’m trying to function normally during the day, but it’s damn hard. In addition to taking care of the kids and the house, I’m trying like crazy to get some promotional work done. It’s not been easy. The 50th episode of my podcast, Heat Flash, goes up on Friday, and I have yet to toot my horn about that. Will start on that tomorrow, which is the last chance I have before I leave for a wedding in Pennsylvania. Very inconvenient time for someone to get married, right before my big podcasting milestone (grumble, bitch, moan).

Anyway, just letting folks know I’m not dead, just dead tired.

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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