Mired In Mucus And Mundania

Sam has a cold. She’s very congested, which makes it hard for her to nurse. I keep taking her into the shower to steam out her sinuses. Even so, we were up all night last night, dealing with the hacking, coughing, snuffling and oozing. She’s nursing right now but still having problems breathing while doing it. I’m hoping she takes a nap this morning to make up for her lack of sleep last night.

Meanwhile, I’m slumming around in the baggiest t-shirt I own. The only think baggier is my eyes. After all the ranting I did last time about wanting to jumpstart my life and follow my wildest dreams, it seems I’m pretty much stuck in mundane life right now, wiping snotty noses and praying for a few free moments to take a bath so I can wash the smell of spit-up out of my hair.

Sam is struggling too much to let me type, so I’m going to quit for now. Maybe I’ll get some work done later today. Probably not, though.

Who Do Voo Doo? September 16, 2006

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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