Moody Mommy Looks For Her Next Writing Project

I’m in a mood today, as my own mother would say, a cranky, downer of a mood. I just sent out the latest draft of the dreaded novel synopsis to my writers’ group and am waiting to get back their comments so I can finally polish this puppy off. That’s a good thing. It means I’m very close to getting my novel out the door to a publisher, and therefore that’s not what’s making me feel so cranky. No, my problem is now that the synopsis is almost finished, I don’t know what to work on next.

Blah. I have plenty of writing projects I could pick from, I suppose, but none of them are striking a chord with me at the moment. I spent my writing hour this morning banging out some ideas for future projects, but I can’t do anything else beyond record them at this point. They’re ideas for comic books, you see, so I still have to get my drawing skills up to snuff before I can move past the idea stage.

What to do, what to do? Do I want to pick up another novel and start that? Maybe a short story instead? I could pull out one of my old stories and polish it off. Maybe I’ll do that. Maybe. Of course, I would like to write something fresh after having just spent weeks redoing the synopsis.

Blah and blah again. I’m free falling without a project to work on, and I hate that. I’ll have to mull it over for a while today and then pick something before I go to bed tonight so I don’t have two cranky days in a row. I just hate being at loose ends.

Here’s the artwork from yesterday. I did some more work on the Swan Prince Sketch. I still need to fix some spots on this one. It’s looking so nice I want it to be perfect. Once it’s done, I’ll transfer it to a clean sheet of paper and try inking it, then scan it in again and color it on the computer.

Swan Prince, Work In Progress, 4 September 2006

About Cynical Woman

Cartoonist, Artist, Geek, Evil Crafter, Girl Scout Troop Leader and Writer. Also, a zombie. I haven't slept in I don't know how long.
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